FYI. As a Greater Victoria resident, and attendee at many of the protest rallies at the Legislature in 2021 and 2022, I want to provide a little advice to all prospective attendees at the We Unify conference upcoming in June.

Do not use your personal car here. I saw many instances of vandalized vehicles during previous freedom rallies, including chasing away a vandal painting cars. Our opponents, the captured sheeple, are well aware of the We Unify conference, and no doubt, are planning to disrupt it in as many ways as possible. Victoria is home to a very rabid, active, Gaystapo and alt-lifestyle community. They are as radical as it gets, witness the pro-children rally last year at the legislature. The bile and venom coming from the Gaystapo Rainbow warriors was something to behold. I stared evil in the face that day!

When attending, please, take a taxi, Uber, bus, walk, or a rental car instead. The Gaystapo here is out of their minds.

I would attend the rally, so many good guests have been lined up, but I’m on a family vacation out of the country.

Also, let it be known, that the local MSM Chek News just did a smear story tonight of the We Unify rally, with a local Gaystapo rep, giving her uneducated smears against some of the speaking guests. Be forewarned, the Gaystapo is highly organized, and will bring out their worst to oppose. FYI, the mayor here is a she-man, as are a few councillors. This is truly enemy territory.

Do not cancel the event, it has to happen in their backyard! And yes, you better spend a lot, on many security guards and good security that will use physical force, it will be necessary.

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im no sheeple. Im a proud angry queer man who lost his whole family and community at the hands of right wing rhetoric like weunify's. I sacrificed everything just to exist. Ive been thru conversion therapy that arthur pawlowski advocates for. it is torture and you support it. You directly support torture of your fellow man. So damn right we're angry and im bring hundreds of friends to shutter your wicked vile disgusting event and if you dare show your face im gunna MAKE you scared.

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I am sorry that you had to go through that. There is no place for this here in Victoria.

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My, how tolerant of you........you need psychiatric help.

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I don't blame him one bit.

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