Will you detail Lauren Chen’s upcoming charges and trials; how about her being called and charged by Canadian parliament today? She’s a named target in a large US investigation but you aren’t speaking on it? Why not? If you want to cover the source of disinformation flooding the world because of Russian money look no further than Lauren. Well, let’s not forget her husband too, and Lauren Southen your other infamous supporter. How will you go forward knowing the misinformation sources were inside your group? Will you continue to propogate their lies or will you come clean? Will it depend on whether you continue to get funding from foreign entities? Can’t wait to watch it all play out.
Will you detail Lauren Chen’s upcoming charges and trials; how about her being called and charged by Canadian parliament today? She’s a named target in a large US investigation but you aren’t speaking on it? Why not? If you want to cover the source of disinformation flooding the world because of Russian money look no further than Lauren. Well, let’s not forget her husband too, and Lauren Southen your other infamous supporter. How will you go forward knowing the misinformation sources were inside your group? Will you continue to propogate their lies or will you come clean? Will it depend on whether you continue to get funding from foreign entities? Can’t wait to watch it all play out.
Thank you